Free to a good home

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Hint Fiction

I discovered something very cool today that someone apparently only just named, though it's been around for quite a while: Hint Fiction. Anyone heard of Hemingway's famous six-word story? "For sale: baby shoes, never worn." That's hint fiction, cause all you get is a hint, get it? I love this, and I think it's becoming especially relevant with the rise of our mobile culture and shortening of the collective attention span.
In the same vein, Folded Word Press, an online lit mag that once published a poem of mine (not to brag or anything, but I've got almost a thousand views), is now publishing poems and stories under 140 characters via Twitter. I think this is a novel idea. I know, I know, typically I'm lamenting the collapse of the English language due to venues such as this which force us to write (and therefore think) in short, simple phrases, but I really think this puts a delightful spin on the idea. Yes. Do something creative with it!
As you'll see if you visit the Hint Fiction page, I submitted the last few lines of one of my shorter poems as well as a couple of lines I just wrote today (I thought of it at the time as a seed for a story, turns out it could be a story itself).
Does this make me lazy? Am I just unwilling to put the time and energy into fully developing this story seed, feeding it, watering it, caring for it? Is that why I'm so excited about the opportunity to present the world with just a tiny kernel of literature?
I don't think so. The form certainly does require a bit of messing around, figuring out how to fit as much information into as few words as possible. Look at that Hemingway bit above -- do you think that was easy? No. Not at all. It's an immense challenge to develop characters and relationships within twenty-five words. Seriously. Try it now. It's fun. Put what you come up with in the comments


P.S. Also, I found this in the Related Videos for my poem, and I find it really hilarious.
That is all.

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